Monday, May 25, 2020

The Presidential Campaign Ronald Reagan And President...

The 1980 Presidential Campaign was between Ronald Reagan and President Jimmy Carter. In this campaign several key issues were discussed. Reagan provided solutions for the armed forces, the Nuclear Arms Race, terrorism, the nation s economy, and urban policies. He used several tactics to wage a successful campaign. By appealing to Republican values, Reagan received the votes of many heartfelt Americans and is still admired by many to this day. One of the key issues Reagan brought up throughout his campaign was the United States Armed Forces. In this argument Reagan was criticized for being too quick to react on the issue and how the two running candidates are different on using United States Military Forces. Reagan wanted his first priority to be world peace and military force was a last resort. If everything else failed and peace was a distance memory, then we would have used military force. This will help keep the value of peace essential, but it also can fall out of the hands of a few individuals (United States Government). This mission is to preserve the peace which is very important for the United States. Without peace the United States would fall out of democracy and maybe into communism. To make sure that there is peace there must be strength to keep that peace. The strength would be part of the United States military and United States citizens. To avoid the issue of losing peace we must intercept the issue before i t can cause more damage than it should. In order toShow MoreRelatedThe Presidential Election Of The United States1507 Words   |  7 PagesThe 1980 presidential election of the United States featured three primary candidates, Republican Ronald Reagan, Democrat Jimmy Carter and liberal Republican John Anderson. Ronald Reagan was the governor of California before he decided to run for the presidency. 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What I find interesting about this election is how Jimmy Carter went from beingRead MoreThe Legacy of Ronald Reagan: The Fortieth President of the United States716 Words   |  3 PagesThe fortieth elected president of the United States is none other than the great Ronald Reagan. Reagan left a legacy behind him and still to this day is considered one of the best presidents to serve our nation . Throughout Reagans life he accomplished many great feats such as being a two-term president, film and television actor, radio announcer, and the governor of California Ronald Reagan was born in Tampico, Illinois to Jack and Nelle Reagan on February 6, 1911. Reagan’s father was a salesmanRead MoreJimmy Carter And His Foreign Affairs1305 Words   |  6 PagesOn the other extreme is Jimmy Carter, president from 1977 to 1981. Ranked last for both his foreign affairs and his overall presidency, Carter left the Oval Office a very unpopular man. 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