Thursday, December 26, 2019

The War On Drugs The World s Largest Farming Area

Throughout the world, countries focus their drug policies in order to fight the â€Å"War on Drugs.† While most countries are fighting a war on drugs, Portugal has managed to break away and completely shock the world by taking an action that had the potential to make or break the country. Back in 2001, Portugal’s government made the decision to continue its war on drugs through a new approach. On the other hand, Iran faces a real drug problem because it is located next to Afghanistan, the world’s largest farming area. While a serious set of anti drug policies is arguably a necessity, Iran has used what some might consider cruel means to control the drug use in Iran. Not only this, but the authority in Iran is also known to be hypocritical in a way that they have a strict policy in regards to drugs, but they are known to be active in trafficking and distribution of many narcotics that have gotten so many of their people executed. With all of the drug use that has been happening in Iran, shared needles have also led to a severe increase in HIV/AIDS throughout the country. These diseases are even more prevalent in Iranian prisons. With the number of drug uses in Iran growing incessantly, it seems that their policies have been ineffective towards providing any significant changes in the Afghani drug trade that works throughout the region. Although the drug problem that exists or existed in these countries is very similar, the policies that Portugal and Iran have imposed on theirShow MoreRelatedHow developed is Brazil?939 Words   |  4 Pagesthe USA, the EEC, Japan and the World Bank. It is claimed that Brazil is the 10th largest economy in the world. However in some urban areas 50% of people live below the Poverty Line. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Shooting Stars By Lebron James And Buzz Bissinger

The book ‘Shooting Stars’, is and autobiography written by Lebron James and Buzz Bissinger, provided a fantastic read. Published in 2009, the book briefly covered Lebron’s early life while spending the majority of the time covering his teen years. The reader is informed about the struggles that Lebron and his single mother faced through his early years. He had to move houses often due to financial circumstances and thus found it hard to make friends. James soon found a passion for basketball and formed a strong bond with his 4 best friends: Dru Joyce the 3rd, Romeo Travis, Sian Cotton and Wille McGee. They combined to create ‘The Fab 5’ and began on a journey to win the ‘National Championship’. They began to feel invincible as a result of†¦show more content†¦This lead to him being desperate for companionship. Before long he found all the companionship he needed. For the majority of the time that Dru Joyce the 3rd was friends wit h Lebron he was really small. He made up for his small size by being a loyal and hardworking friend, not to mention the fact that he had the heart of a lion and wouldn’t back down from anyone. ‘The kind of kid who would take on anybody, no matter what their size, if he thought he was being insulted’, is one quote used to describe him. Sian on the other hand was huge. ‘Fearless and a little bit of a renegade on the inside, a natural-born intimidator.’ His incredible size was exceptionally intimidating and he was rather rebellious. Even though most people were scared of him he was extremely loyal to his friends. Wille was unlike any of Lebron’s other friends due his increased level of maturity obtained at a young age. ‘If someone was about to do something silly or stupid, it was Wille who would say, â€Å"Hey, we’re not getting into that.† There was a maturity to him.’ He had come from a broken home and the drug fille d streets of Chicago. Both his parents were addicted to crack-cocaine and he was cared for by his older sister. His sister began to realise that before long Wille would be tempted by the easy drug money and that he needed to get out of Chicago. She decided to send Wille to his older brother in Cleveland, a choice that changed his life forever. Wille met Lebron,

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Virginia Woolf Example For Students

Virginia Woolf Biography Biography Virginia Woolf (1882-1941) (Adeline) Virginia (nà ©e Stephen) Woolf   English author, born in London. Daughter of Sir Leslie *Stephen and sister of Vanessa (wife of Clive *Bell), she married (1912) Leonard (Sidney) Woolf (1880–1969), printer, publisher and political writer. They established (1915) the Hogarth Press in Richmond. It was moved to Bloomsbury in the early 1920s and Virginia Woolf became a leading figure in the literary coterie known as the Bloomsbury set. Meanwhile she had begun her career as a novelist with the publication of The Voyage Out (1915). Her novels are difficult but rewarding. She seldom uses direct narrative but is most concerned with the inner consciousness of her characters expressed by internal monologue, while the emotional intensity and symbolism of her language are more typical of poetry than prose. But she is not over-serious and sometimes, e.g. in the fantasy Orlando (1928, filmed in 1992), shows an impish sense of humour. Among the most characteristic of her novels are Jacob’s Room (1922), Mrs Dalloway (1925), To The Lighthouse (1927) and The Waves (1931). She was also a distinguished essayist and showed her interest in social changes affecting women in, e.g., A Room of One’s Own (1929). Another aspect of her talent was shown by her biography of the artist and critic Roger Fry. Deeply depressive, she drowned herself.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Songs of the 50s free essay sample

Songs of the 1950s Songs of the 50s In this paper I will research and identify 5 songs of the 1950s and what the songs reflect about the culture, mood, and values of the 1950s and the ethnic groups the artists came from. I will also discuss how accurately the songs reflect the mood, value, and perceptions of the 1950s as discussed in our readings, Nation of Nations. â€Å"All I Have To Do Is Dream† The first song I would like to address would be: â€Å"All I Have To Do Is Dream,† by the Everly Brothers. This song reiterates the basic ideology of the 1950s associated with â€Å"the good life. The song offers a neat synopsis of the mood, values, and perceptions of this era, for example, the song states â€Å"only trouble is, gee whiz, I’m dreamin’ my life away†¦. † This quote shows the leisure time available to Americans, it also reflects the time of hope during this era. We will write a custom essay sample on Songs of the 50s or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The song also reflects a strong sense of optimism, confidence, and overall comfort afforded by this era. This song also seems to echo the general sentiments of the time in terms of the open attitudes toward sex with some of the romantic lyrics. Since the baby boom initiated during this era the lyrics to the mood and values are represented in the lyrics above. Since America emerged from World War II, in this era this song reinforces the American Dream. The song gives the mood and perception of happiness at having a secure job, owning a house, etc†¦ â€Å"A Lot of Livin’ To Do† â€Å"A Lot of Livin’ To Do† by Sammy Davis Jr. , Mr. Davis represents both the African American and Hispanic races and this song’s lyrics also embody the era because of the references to the â€Å"good life† with â€Å"And there’s wine, already for tasting. And there’s Cadillac’s, all shiny and new. Gotta move, cause time is wasting. There’s such a lot of livin’ to do. † These lyrics indicate the era because it was called â€Å"the culture of consumption. † The Americans experienced a large scale of spending during this time period. The song’s reference to fancy cars shows that consumer’s values definitely dominated the American economy and culture during the 1950’s. A Combination of Lyrics Through my research for this assignment I found several songs that reflected the moods of this era that did not relate to the â€Å"good life† that I would like to touch base on. My Captain† by Muddy Waters clearly reflects on the issues of the difficult working conditions for an African-American man in a big city. Their lyrics reveal racial undertones as well as the tensions and divisions within America at the time. Two other lyrics that I felt were important regarding this e ra was â€Å"Korean War Blues† and â€Å"Eisenhower Blues† by J. B. Lenoir. These songs reflect the political strive associated with containing communism during this era and the political paranoia underlying the times. The connection to the mood, perceptions, values, and politics are found in the words from the song â€Å"Korean War Blues,† â€Å"Lord I got my questionnaire, Uncle Sam’s gonna send me away from here; Lord I got my questionnaire, Uncle Sam’s gonna send me away from here; He said J. B. you know that I need you, Lord I need you in South Korea. † These lines reinforce the fear and the paranoia associated with the Red Scare and containment. Yakety-Yak The final song on my list is â€Å"Yakety-Yak† by The Coasters, this song again reflects on the era’s carefree attitude and the triumphant mood of democracy in a light way. It was also a time for teenage rebellion due to the introduction of rock-n-roll. Many adults, parents, and teachers opposed rock and roll as an emerging genre and form of social protest. The lyrics of this song exemplify the generation gap and strain as the kids were fighting for freedom from the adults, â€Å"Don’t you give me no dirty looks, your father’s hip, he knows what cooks, just tell you hoodlum friends outside, you ain’t got time to take a ride, Yakety yak, don’t talk back. † Conclusion Through the course of research for this paper I learned a great deal about the moods, values, perceptions, and politics that were expressed through songs. Even though some of the songs reflected a casual happy life style there were also the songs that reflected the imperfections of the era. This was a difficult time due to the war ending, desegregation was taking place, and it was also the time of the baby boomers. Through the songs of the 1950’s I discovered that many artists were able to vocalize their own point f view on the events of the era. References: Resource Readings: Davidson et al. : Nation of Nations, Third Concise Edition, Volume II  © The McGraw? Hill Companies, 2002 Lyrics Depot:  © 2008 LyricsDepot. com. All Rights Reserved. Retrieved February 10, 2008.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Optimal Bar Top Height

The Optimal Bar Top Height The most common height for a bar top, whether it is a kitchen breakfast bar, a basement wet bar, or a commercial bar down at the corner pub is 42-inches. Construction Conventions Standard conventions support the 42-inch bar height. Most pre-made backsplashes are four to six inches tall. When that height is added to the standard countertop height, the backsplash can slip underneath the overhang of the finished bar top for a smooth transition. Comfort The optimal and most ergonomic height for a top that services both the seated and standing user is 42 inches. With a bar stool of the proper height, it is comfortable to sit at a 42-inch bar. This is also a comfortable height for most people to lean against. Additionally, the bar top at this height is in easy reach of a standing person, so they can set their food and drink down without leaning over. A bar top is typically too high to serve as a good seated work surface and is mainly useful for leisure activities. The Multiple Benefits of Bars The main benefits for a bar top come from one person working standing up on one side and another sitting on the other. The bartender has a comfortable height to prepare drinks on his feet and the customer has a comfortable height to drink them while on a seat or standing. The standing bartender is also at a comfortable height to engage the seated customer, whether for the simple business transaction or for the age-old tradition of chatty banter or deep heart-to-hearts that often happen in this setting. The other benefit of a bar top is its aesthetic appeal. In another common context for bars: A kitchen bar top can divide the space up nicely by serving as a transition area, between the cooking area and the eating area.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

How to Solve Proportions Using a Recipe

How to Solve Proportions Using a Recipe A proportion is a set of 2 fractions that equal each other. This worksheet focuses on how to solve proportions. Real World Uses of Proportions Modifying a budget for a restaurant chain that is expanding from 3 locations to 20 locationsCreating a skyscraper from blueprintsCalculating tips, commissions, and sales tax Modifying a Recipe On Monday, you are cooking enough white rice to serve exactly 3 people. The recipe calls for 2 cups of water and 1 cup of dry rice. On Sunday, you are going to serve rice to 12 people. How would the recipe change? If youve ever made rice, you know that this ratio - 1 part dry rice and 2 parts water - is important. Mess it up, and youll be scooping a gummy, hot mess on top of your guests crawfish à ©touffà ©e. Because you are quadrupling your guest list (3 people * 4 12 people), you must quadruple your recipe. Cook 8 cups of water and 4 cups of dry rice. These shifts in a recipe demonstrate the heart of proportions: use a ratio to accommodate lifes greater and smaller changes. Algebra and Proportions 1 Sure, with the right numbers, you can forgo setting up an algebraic equation to determine the amounts of dry rice and water. What happens when the numbers are not so friendly? On Thanksgiving, youll be serving rice to 25 people. How much water do you need? Because the ratio of 2 parts water and 1 part dry rice applies to cooking 25 servings of rice, use a proportion to determine the quantity of ingredients. Note: Translating a word problem into an equation is super important. Yes, you can solve an incorrectly set up equation and find an answer. You can also mix rice and water together to create food to serve at Thanksgiving. Whether the answer or food is palatable depends on the equation. Think about what you know: 3 servings of cooked rice 2 cups of water; 1 cup of dry rice25 servings of cooked rice ? cups of water; ? cup of dry rice3 servings of cooked rice/25 servings of cooked rice 2 cups of water/x cups of water3/25 2/x Cross multiply. Hint: Write these fractions vertically to get the full understanding of cross multiplying. To cross multiply, take the first fractions numerator and multiply it by the second fractions denominator. Then take the second fractions numerator and multiply it by the first fractions denominator. 3 * x 2 * 253x 50 Divide both sides of the equation by 3 to solve for x. 3x/3 50/3x 16.6667 cups of water Freeze- verify that the answer is correct. Is 3/25 2/16.6667?3/25 .122/16.6667 .12 Whoo hoo! The first proportion is right. Algebra and Proportions 2 Remember that x will not always be in the numerator. Sometimes the variable is in the denominator, but the process is the same. Solve the following for x. 36/x 108/12 Cross multiply: 36 * 12 108 * x432 108x Divide both sides by 108 to solve for x. 432/108 108x/1084 x Check and make sure the answer is right. Remember, a proportion is defined as 2 equivalent fractions:Does 36/4 108/12? 36/4 9108/12 9 Its right! Practice Instructions: Solve for the unknown variable. Check your answers. a/49 4/356/x 8/329/3 12/b5/60 k/652/949 s/36522.5/x 5/100a/180 4/100

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Capital Punishment in the United Kingdom Research Paper

Capital Punishment in the United Kingdom - Research Paper Example The elimination of the death penalty in all circumstances eventually took place in 1998. Similarly, the 13th Protocol to the European Convention on Human Rights in 2004 outlawed the restoration of the death penalty, provided that the United Kingdom continued to be a party to the convention. History of Capital Punishment in the United Kingdom Hanging used to be the chief mode of execution in the United Kingdom since the 5th Century; other practices included drawing, quartering, beheading, burning at the stake, shooting, drowning, and hurling from cliffs. In 1196, the first person was hanged at Tyburn as a punishment for sedition. From 1351, the capital offences that attracted the death penalty included treason, witchcraft, murder, rape, piracy, robbery, arson, embezzlement of master properties, and theft (Davies 2007, p. 107). Efforts directed at the abolition of the death penalty had been ongoing since the late 1700s. In 1770, Sir William Meredith challenged parliament to consider pr oportionate punishments rather than capital punishments. Nevertheless, the proposal failed; however, it opened up the debate. Every year, there were over thousand death sentencing, although only a sizeable number of executions took place (Levinson 2002, p.155). In 1810, Sir Samuel Romilly remarked that United Kingdom had the most offences according to law to be punished by the death penalty. At its height, the criminal law, otherwise labeled as the â€Å"Bloody Code,† had categorized 220 crimes punishable by death. Sir Samuel Romilly attempted to convince parliament to de-capitalize minor offences, especially much of the Act of King William (Block & Hostettler 1997, p.109). Execution for crimes such as murder, robbery, and burglary were frequent; however, capital punishment for minor offenders were mainly not carried out. Nevertheless, in some instances, children could be executed for crimes such as stealing. A death sentence could be commuted on the grounds of benefit of cle rgy, official pardons, or execution of military duty (Stearman 2008, p.47). Statistics indicate that, between 1770 and 1830, close to 35,000 death sentences were handed out, out of which about 7,000 executions happened. At the time, prisons comprised of small, crowded, and badly run institutions, a situation that led to incorporation of punishments like transportation of offenders to distant lands such as America and Australia. During the 1830s, the masses had started to express doubts on the punishments (Block and Hostettler 1997, p. 110). Many more prisons were built while the old ones were extended to avail a fresh mode of punishment. The overriding notion centered on making prisons unpleasant places to stay in order to discourage people from committing crimes. Reform In Europe, reforms on the subject of the death penalty, championed by academics, started around 1750. Year 1808 witnessed abolishment of capital punishment for pickpockets and lesser offenders. This set the onset fo r the reform process perpetuated over the next fifty years. Nevertheless, capital punishment remained operational even though the government occasionally commuted the death penalty. The Judgment of Death Act 1823 awarded power to judges to commute the death penalty excluding cases of treason and murder (Levinson 2002, p.156). The Punishment of Death Act 1